Community Guidelines

Last modified: October 5, 2021

Hello World is an amazing community of teens from around the world. We need your help to make Hello World a place where everyone feels safe, welcome, and inspired to contribute!

When you sign up for Hello World, you agree to honor the following Guidelines:

Be original: Share your own stuff

a. Be yourself. Your Hello World portfolio should be all about you and the unique things you’re making and learning. Accounts shouldn’t be shared by multiple people.

b. No copying. Hello World is a place to showcase things you’ve made or thought of yourself. Don’t post or take credit for images you found online or in another person’s portfolio.

Be safe: Keep your personal information private and never ask others for theirs

a. Respect others’ privacy. Everybody has unique preferences about their online safety. Avoid asking others for their personal info.

b. Avoid money transactions and "free" scams. Hello World is not a place to buy or sell things. To avoid scams and safety concerns, never ask for or give out info related to money exchanges (like credit card numbers). Also, be prudent when following links offering "free" subscriptions, trials or offers posted by the community.

c. When in doubt, report. If anyone other than an opportunity you are applying for on Hello World asks you for your personal info, always say NO. If they persist, or if you ever feel unsafe, report the user to Hello World moderators and tell your parents or a trusted adult.

Be friendly: Show kindness to everyone on Hello World

a. Embrace others’ differences. Hello World welcomes youth of all backgrounds, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, body types, gender identities, sexual orientations, and education types. Unfriendly language, discrimination, or threats based on these or any other identities are never ok. Remember: others may be younger, may have less experience posting online, may learn differently, or may speak a different language than you. Be polite and patient with others.

b. Include everyone. Hello World is a great place to meet other youth whose lives are different from your own. Be kind and inclusive when sharing your beliefs or responding to others sharing theirs. Posts that aim to criticize, convert, or otherwise devalue others’ beliefs or identities are not allowed.

Be respectful: Share projects that are appropriate for everyone, including those younger than you

a. Keep language clean. Profanity (AKA “swear” or “bad” or “cuss” words) is not allowed. Videos, photos or comments that include profanity will be removed.

b. Stay age-appropriate. To keep Hello World suitable for youth of ages 14-18 (we don't yet serve adults or anyone under 13), posts that encourage or link to mature content (including written descriptions, images, audio, or videos) are not allowed. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Use of drugs, alcohol, or other age-restricted/illegal substances
  • Suggestive or explicit romantic content
  • Sensitive personal topics like self-harm or depression
  • Excessive gore, violent imagery, or violent weapons
  • Shocking events like natural/manmade disasters or tragedies

c. Keep things covered. Wear appropriate clothing when documenting your projects (no swimsuits or leotards, please!). Photos or videos that show you or other people partially-clothed are not allowed.

d. Look for colleagues, not crushes. Hello World is a safe place to learn and do projects, not a place to look for romantic partners ("flirt"), or discuss your IRL crushes. Avoid commenting on others’ appearances or asking for relationships on/through Hello World.

e. Use English. We aim to become multilingual soon, but we aren't there just yet. Until we can support translations, please use English.

Be a role model: Show good judgement, stay positive and be an awesome digital citizen

a. Keep it positive. Hello World is a great place to express yourself. However, some types of expression aren’t suitable for all ages and should be avoided on Hello World. Please don’t put yourself down (e.g. “I hate this,” “I’m no good at this”) or encourage mean or non-constructive criticism from others.

b. Take the high road. Don’t respond to negativity with more negativity. If you see something on Hello World that goes against our community guidelines, report it so the mods can handle it. Don’t jump in, yourself.

Most violations of the Guidelines are judged on a case-by-case basis, and we do our best to enforce them consistently and fairly. Violations will result in:

Written warnings: Minor violations of the Hello World Guidelines commonly result in a written warning to users via an email.

Post removal: If a post contains content that's not in alignment with the Hello World Guidelines, mods may permanently remove it.

Temporary suspension: Repeated or serious violations may result in account suspensions, which remove all of a participant's posting and commenting privileges. Suspensions are often temporary until the mod team, the participant, and potentially their parent or school can resolve the issue privately via email or phone.

Banning: Mods reserve the right to permanently and immediately ban accounts that put the safety of the community at risk. Banning removes the participant's account completely from the platform.

We appreciate Hello Worlders who are active in following the guidelines and who inspire each other to learn and develop.

You are the ones building this awesome community!

We 👀 you and ❤️ you!

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